Beyond the Short Format
Webinar | 8 December

As part of the 17th Day of Contemporary Art, AMACI-MIC-MAECI, the Centro Luigi Di Sarro, and the Italian Cultural Institute of Pretoria hosted a webinar to introduce and discuss video art based on the experience of the VAA-Video Art Awards, which on this occasion will launch its 3rd edition between Italy and South Africa.
The appointment took place on the 8th of December 2021 and discovered the protagonists of the two editions of the VAA as selected by the jury among the “Top 10” finalists.
The works of the 20 artists involved are visible in the video section of the home page.
The meeting has been opened by the message of the Ambassador of Italy to South Africa, H.E. Paolo Cuculi, as a testimony of how important exchange projects are in the crossing of ideas and cultures.
For more details see the programme below.

Session Opening
- Angelo Capasso | Moderator
- Paolo Cuculi | Ambassador of Italy in Pretoria
- Alessandra Atti Di Sarro | Centro Luigi Di Sarro
- Angelo Capasso – Video in Art. The Origin.
- Laura Vincenti – Set up video art. What place does it have in contemporary art events?
- Finalists testimonial
- Jabu Nadia Newman – VAA Award Artist.
- Luca Coclite – VAA Award Artist.
- Niccolò Masini – VAA Award Artist.
- Simone Azzoni – The practice of found footage.
- Stefano Marmorato – Exchange projects, cultural dialogue and cooperation.