Video Art Awards 2022. The third edition concluded with the screening event in South Africa, at UJ Arts Center.

Latest news
- Cherises Dilrajh
- Dumisani Jere
- Liza Grobler – VAA Winner
- Lushen Moodley
- Ayesha Mukadam
- Emilia Gozzano
- Li Zhuoxuan
- Daniela Lucato
- Guido Mitidieri
- Giulia Savorani – VAA Winner

The VAA, promoted by the Centro Luigi Di Sarro, supported by Italian Cultural Institute of Pretoria and General Consulate of Italy in Johannesburg, is dedicated to video artists between Italy and South Africa. More informations on www.centroluigidisarro,it.
The 3rd Edition of the VAA includes a new prestigious partner: the experimental photography Festival GRENZE Arsenali Fotografici in Verona, that hosted the selection of the finalists and the winning artists during September 2022.
In such a delicate moment caused by the persistence of the pandemic, we want to insist on the need not to stop, to continue to keep alive those threads that nourish and enrich creativity and at the same time we want to offer a new opportunity for promotion and visibility to the works that the VAA has selected and awarded in the past editions of 2018 and 2019. On this platform you’ll find an archive of the VAA Editions. On this platform is possible to register for free to the new call or even just discover the protagonists of the two past editions of the VAA. The works of the 20 artists involved during the 1° and 2° edition are visible in the video section. We’re going to add soon the 3°Edition materials.